Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Dream of me sometimes
I do not ask that you love me
I ask only that you should not forget me
That you remember how we were
Who we were
What we were…
Maybe we didn’t love enough or try enough
Or maybe we tried too much
But there were those times…
When for me
The sun rose in your eyes
And I made the music play in your heart
Remember us for those times.

Sometimes I see in Technicolor
The colors in my world are brighter
than they should be…
I close my eyes
and wish for some darkness
Then I wake
And discover that the colors…
were in my dream.
And the darkness is my life


omohemi Benson said...

an update?!

omohemi Benson said...

Beautiful poem,
When love go sour,
We hope our ex-lovers,
Can still be friends.

This part worried me though
And discover that the colors…
were in my dream.
And the darkness is my life

why is your life dark?

lost-not yet found said...

Why is life dark? I hide behind metaphors and poetry... and sometimes I wear dark glasses! Questions e po sha!

omohemi Benson said...

I have to ask now,
abi, as your official stalker,lol.

See who is acusing me of asking plenty questions, when you asked me like a 100 today.
Nonsense! lol
Professor, alakowe.

BlogVille Idol said...


Hey guys as you know the BLOGVILE IDOL CONTEST Would be kicking off on 11th JUNE 2007...Please help us make it a succes by participating..We already have our contestants(fellow bloggers)who would be singing in the voice comment player on the blogville idol page.We need you to listen to them and vote..Pls check our page (the Condition on entry) and see what is required for u voters to do and your voting dates,the voting poll would be up soon..Pls help us turn this to a success...and pls visit the page frequently...Tanx for ur support as we try to spice things up in blogville

diary of a G said...

lovely post
Vote G for Idol

Mimi said...

my first time here, and i must say,

i LOVE poem 1!

wow. nice.

vindication through innocence said...

gosh!!that ex lover feeling!!wonderful poem...for a sec i thought i was in bed gazing into 'someones' eyes

Anonymous said...

I have been on both sides...

EDNUTEY said...

nice poem

Funmi said...

lovely dude... just lovely